How are learners with SEN enabled to engage in activities available with learners who do not have SEN?

Pupils with SEN access the same high-quality curriculum as all pupils in school. Class Teachers will make adaptions to the curriculum to support their needs which may include flexible groupings, teaching style, use of the iPad accessibility tools or concrete resources for the lesson.

School visits are available to all our pupils. In collaboration with the pupil Park Hall Parliament enrichment opportunities are carefully planned to enhance the curriculum. Transport, activities and venues are risk assessed and staff ensure that they are suitable for all learners.

Extra-curricular activities are available to all our pupils, including the before and after school club, Footprints.

All pupils are encouraged to take part in sports day/school plays/ workshops and themed days

Pupils with SEN engage in sporting events such as Sport For All alongside pupils without SEN.

There are opportunities for pupils with SEN to take on leadership roles throughout the school such as Pupil Parliament and leadership roles for Well-Being, Apple and Sports Ambassadors. Staff and parents support pupils  in applying for these roles support them.
All children are included in all aspects of school life, careful risk assessments and extra support is put in place where necessary.

The school seeks to make reasonable adjustments to adapt any activity to enable all children to participate fully in school life.