Monitoring and Evaluating SEN provision
Every child is entitled to quality first teaching. The Senior Leadership Team carry out rigorous monitoring and evaluation approach to the teaching and learning across the school.
The Senior Leadership Team will monitor through:
.Formal and Informal lesson observations .
.Learning Walks
.Book Looks and Showbie Looks
.Planning Scrutinies
.Pupil Progress Meetings
.Analysis of data
.Pupil Conversations
To ensure quality and personalised provision the SENCO and Senior Leadership Team will also monitor through:
. Pupil SEN File monitoring on Showbie
. SEN Provision maps
. Analysis of data
. SEN Intervention monitoring
. SEN termly reviews with class teachers, parents and pupils
. Pupil conversations/ interviews
We will follow the graduated approach and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review. There will be a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs. This will draw on:
• The teacher’s assessments and experience of the pupil
• Their previous progress and attainment and behaviour
• Other teachers’ assessments, where relevant
• The views and experience of parents
• The pupil’s own views
• Advice from Senco and external support services, if relevant
All teachers and learning support assistants who work with the pupil will be made aware of their needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided, and any teaching strategies or approaches that are required. They will regularly review the effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress termly.
• All of the children are assessed at three main points through the year (Christmas, Easter, and Summer/end of the school year) but half-termly progress meetings are also carried out with Class Teacher and Assistant Principal. The children who are not meeting age related expectations are identified and further support is planned for through the RAP plans (Raising Attainment Plan and SEN provision map).
• To ensure SEN pupils are making progress, their progress in Reading, Writing and Maths is tracked termly and formally recorded on Arbor, the school’s data tracking system, on a termly basis where the data is analysed by the Senior Leadership Team in conjunction with the class teacher. Pupils working Well Below age related expectations for Reading, Writing and Maths are monitored by class teachers and progress steps measured using PIVATS. (Performance Indicators for Value Added Target Setting) system.
• Any personalised targets for pupils with SEN will be recorded on a Pupil Passport, which indicates what strategies, and interventions are needed to support them. These will be shared with parents at termly meetings. As part of this, teachers will ask parents how they
will support their child at home. Passports are reviewed with parents and pupils and then the next targets identified.
• In order to monitor progress the impact of interventions is measured by staff supporting your child at the start and end of the period of the intervention, which may be in the form of an assessment, questionnaire, sample of work etc. Class teachers to determine where improvements are being made or whether an intervention needs adapting monitor the impact throughout each term. This information is shared with the SENCO through termly provision map meetings and with parents through termly review meetings.
• Interventions and SEN Provision Maps are monitored by Senior Leadership Team to ensure quality provision.
• School carries out Standardised Tests for SEN pupils, which provide measures for reading ability, comprehension, spelling, receptive and expressive language.
• Pupils with an EHC Plan have progress towards their EHC plan milestones noted by staff supporting them throughout each term on their Termly Progress Review Document. In addition, all pupils with an EHC plan have an annual review, where the provision of the EHC Plan milestones are reviewed, amended and new milestones are set, in consultation with the pupil, parents, school staff and other agencies involved. This information is sent to the Local Authority Reviewing Caseworker, where a decision is made on the band and provision to be put in place for the following year.
• As part of quality first learning, all pupils, including those with SEN, receive verbal and visual feedback about their learning to ensure that pupil’s understand where they have achieved and to identify misconceptions which can then be addressed. In addition, the voice-recording feature on the IPad enable pupils to receive personal instant, effective feedback and dialogue between teacher and pupil motivates learners to improve further.
• If at any time parents and/or teachers are concerned about any issue or progress of a pupil, then additional meetings will be arranged at a mutually convenient time at any period throughout the year.
• School make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children with SEND are able to access all facilities. The school’s Accessibility Policy can be found on the school website.
• If there is a language spoken that we do not have in school we make use of google Translate and may request a translator through the local authority service to support parents /care during meetings/reviews.