What specialist services and expertise are available and / or accessed by the school ?

What specialist services and expertise are available and / or accessed by the school ?

Working with other outside agencies

·       We have support from the Speech and Language Service, Inclusive Learning Service, Trust Specialist Teacher, Kelly Martin and Educational Psychologist, Dr. Alison Smedley, to support and develop staff working with pupils with SEND.

·       All parents/carers are consulted before the school seeks support from outside agencies. Class Teachers, the SENCO and Extended Home School Link Worker work closely with families and where necessary, make referrals to the following agencies:


§  Speech and Language Therapy Service

§  Our Health Nursing Team

§  Stoke-on-Trent Inclusion Service

§  Specialist Teachers (Hearing Impaired , Vision Impaired)

§  Educational Psychologist , Dr. Alison Smedley

§  Trust Outreach Specialist Teacher, Kelly Martin

§  Young Carers

§  Social Care

§  Occupational Therapy Service

§  Family Support Worker

§  CAMHS (Children & Adult Mental Health Services)

§  New Era (Domestic Abuse Service) It provides free and confidential support for victims, perpetrators and their families. It aims to end relationship abuse through a wide range of individual and group support for adults, children and young people for as long as they need it.