What is our approach to teaching learners with SEN?

Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their
class including those with SEN.
▪ Quality first teaching is provided to all pupils and is our first step in supporting pupils who
have SEN. Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of
ALL pupils in their class, including those with SEND,
▪ All learners are entitled to access to high quality learning opportunities and appropriate resources to
meet their individual needs. All learners have access to a range of visual prompts, concrete
apparatus (such as maths toolkits) and multi-sensory approaches to learning. All pupils from year 1
to year 6 use an individual iPad to enhance their learning and support access to the curriculum
through the use of a range of supportive tools such as coloured overlays on the screen, voice note
recording by both learner and staff (feedback), screen recording/ video to enable learners to be more
independent through access to modelled examples to name but a few. Enrichment opportunities and
the outdoor environment is used as a teaching resource to engage and support the learning of
pupils, helping learners to know more, learn more and remember more.
▪ Learners are supported in class with the assistance of the learning environment (learning walls
which include learning journey displays, enabling learners to reflect and retrieve prior learning that
has taken place to build further knowledge upon. A focus on vocabulary throughout the curriculum
enables all learners to communicate like geographers, historians etc alongside scaffolds such as
sentence stems and communication mats. Mastery teaching ensures access to the curriculum for all
learners and is delivered in small steps allowing them to ‘keep up, not catch up’. The promotion of a
growth mindset supports all learners in believing that everyone can achieve, creating the opportunity
for success – ‘I can and I will!’
▪ Reading is the key to all learning, understood by all learners. Learners read across the curriculum in
addition to dedicated reading time, with the lowest 20% of readers reading to an adult at least 3x

What additional support is in place for some learners?
▪ Those learners who require extra help may be provided with small guided group adult support in
class and may receive access to additional visual or concrete resources to ensure that they can
access activities.
▪ Learners with SEN who require further support will be provided with targeted intervention support as
part of their SEN Pupil Passport, which includes specific small group or 1:1 interventions and
strategies to address their specific area of need which may include social, emotional, mental health
support provided by the Extended Home School Link Worker, Miss K Hoddy
▪ All pupils with special educational needs have Personalised Learning Journey Files (PLJ) on
Showbie which address their Pupil Passport targets.
▪ Where a child has a disability, reasonable adjustments will be put into place to support a child.
▪ If a child has medical needs then a Care Plan will be written by the Class Teacher in conjunction with
the parent and medical professionals and shared with relevant staff in school.
▪ Data tracking of progress and analysing individual pupil data by the Class Teacher and Senior
Leadership Team, highlights children who are not making expected progress. Additional support for
individual pupils or groups is identified on Raising Attainment Plans to support individuals with their
learning, reviewed termly.
▪ School staff will work in partnership with parents/carers. If we think we need to consider asking the
Local Authority to carry out a coordinated assessment of the child’s needs because more
advice/resources are needed to help your child to make progress, parents are also an integral part of
this process. This assessment may result in an Education, Health, and Plan for the child, if the local
authority feels that is necessary.