Welcome to the Foundation Stage - the first stop on your child's learning journey. Throughout your child's time in the foundation stage, firm foundations  of skills and knowledge will be built and secured, enabling all subsequent learning to build upon.

Ourconfident communicators are immersed in a world of words through exposure and engagement in a range of high quality texts that inspire our little learners. Oracy, vocabulary and comprehension are at the heart of our curriculum and are embedded in our provision. Talk for writing, stories and rhymes spark curiosity and imagination, taking children on a journey of adventure and discovery. Communication and language underpin all areas of learning.

Our nurturing learning environment has Personal, Social & Emotional Development at it's heart. Our children recognise that they are unique, special & important and that they have responsibilities to show sensitivity and consideration for others. Children develop respectful relationships, resilience & independence, becoming emotionally attentive citizens of the future.

Our Active All Stars begin their pursuit of happy, healthy & active lives in the Early Years. Here they develop their fine & gross motor skills and gain core strength & co-ordination, all of which are vital to all round physical and mental health development.

Within the Foundation Stage, practice is guided by the Statutory framework for the early years foundation Stage  (Sept 2023). We share the overarching principles of:

  • every child is unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident & self-assured;
  • children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships;
  • children learn to develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time. Children benefit from a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/ or carers;
  • importance of learning and development. Children develop and learn at different rates.

Each of the overarching principles are underpinned and mirrored by our own '4 Big Ideas' for the curriculum.



If you have any question, no matter how big or small, please come and talk to a member of the Foundation Stage Team who will be more than happy to listen and help - that is what families do!


Welcome to the Foundation Stage Learning Journey