What additional intervention support and strategies are in place pupils with SEND ?

What additional intervention  support and strategies are in place  pupils with SEND ?

Those pupils who need extra help may be provided with small guided group adult support in class and may receive access to additional visual or concrete resources to ensure that they can access activities.

  • Children with SEN who require further support will be provided with targeted intervention support as part of their SEN Pupil Passport, which includes specific small group or 1:1 interventions and strategies to address their specific area of need.
  • All pupils with special educational needs have Personalised Learning Journey Files stored on IPad from Nursery to year 6, with personalised intervention tasks, which address their Pupil Passport targets.
  • Where a child has a disability, reasonable adjustments will be put into place to support a child.
  • If a child has medical needs then a Care Plan will be written by the Class Teacher in conjunction with the parent and medical professionals and shared with relevant staff in school.
  • Data tracking of progress and analysing individual pupil data by the Class Teacher and Senior Leadership Team, highlights children who are not making expected progress.  Additional support for individual pupils or groups is identified on Raising Attainment Plans to support them with their learning and this is reviewed termly.
  • Children’s individual needs are assessed and support and resources are allocated based on need. This may include additional group support in class, small group or 1:1 intervention support, specific strategies within the environment, specialised equipment to allow access to the curriculum or social, emotional, mental health support provided from the Extended Home School Link Worker, Miss K Hoddy.
  • School staff will work in partnership with parents if we think we need to consider asking the local authority to carry out a coordinated assessment of your child’s needs because more advice/resources are needed to help your child to make progress. This assessment may result in an Education, Health, and Care Plan for the child, if the local authority feels that is necessary.

Strategies/Programmes to support with Speech, Language and communication

  • NELI – Nuffield Early LanguageIntervention
  • Spirals
  • Language Steps
  • Asking Good/Specific Questions
  • Talking Partners
  • Time to Listen
  • Talk Boost
  • Wordaware
  • Individual visual timetables
  • Topic/word mats
  • Individual programmes provided by Speech and Language Therapists, which are delivered in school by skilled staff
  • Instructions repeated and broken down into small steps
  • Visual prompts given for tasks
  • Advice from outside professionals such as Speech Therapists
  • Use of IPad accessibility tools eg speak screen, voice note etc.

Strategies/Programmes to support/develop Cognition & Learning

  • Pre-teaching of vocabulary, strategies and concepts.
  • Precision teaching of high frequency words daily.
  • Daily spelling practice of high frequency words.
  • Hornet Literacy
  • Beat Dyslexia
  • Better Reading Programme
  • Switch On Literacy
  • Phonics interventions/boosters
  • Reading Inference Training
  • Targeted Numeracy basic skills sessions e.g. times tables, number bonds
  • Plus One Maths Intervention
  • Use of Numicon, Maths toolboxand concrete resources
  • Advice from professionals such as Specialist Inclusive Learning Advisors
  • Use of IPad accessibility tools eg tinted overlay , Siri


Strategies/programmes to support social, emotional and mental health difficulties

  • Daily Meet & Greet
  • Time out/Calm space
  • Incredible 5 Anger/Anxiety Tool
  • Behaviour Contract/Learning Agreement
  • Anger Management Programme eg Starving The Anger Gremlin , Mighty Moe
  • Coping Strategies
  • Circle Time
  • Circle of Friends
  • Social Skills interventions eg Talkabout Social Skills
  • Self-esteem interventions eg Talkabout Self-Esteem
  • Lego Therapy
  • Playground Buddies
  • Parental involvement
  • Individual Reward systems
  • Support from SENCO, Class teacher/ TA,Extended Home School Link Worker and Senior Leadership Team
  • Assistant Principal /Vice Principal Report ( daily check ins and discussions)
  • Celebration Assembly to raise self-esteem
  • Wellness Wednesday – celebrating acts of kindness
  • Individual Success File on the IPad
  • Advice from outside agencies such as Camhs
  • Early Help


Strategies/Programmes to support physical needs

  • Pencil grips
  • Specialist scissors
  • Sloping boards
  • Further differentiation of physical activity (fine and gross motor skill activities)
  • Provision of other specialist equipment & resources as directed by OT
  • Advice from outside Professionals – Occupational Therapist / Physiotherapist, Medical Team